Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Police an Thieves!

Just a quicky.
Two of THE most predominant topics of discussion, across the internet on caravan / camping groups and pages are:
1) The legalities of parking your vehicle legally and sleeping in it. Will council rangers move you on or fine you.
2) Theft from free camps.

I set up 2 polls that had a potential reach of over 35,000 people with an interest in camping / caravaning.
1) When parked legally over night in an area not designated for camping, with nothing but your wheels on the ground, have you ever been moved on or fined.
2) Have you ever been robbed whilst staying at a camp.
The answer to both questions was overwhelmingly "NO!"
The little surveys were simply a means of roughly gauging if there's any substance in the inordinate number of posts that fill camping sites, across the internet, that pertain to security and parking laws.
There isn't a conclusion to be drawn other than by means of the polls overwhelmingly leaning to the negative, there's evidently more emphasis on these issues than seems necessary.
That could suggest that such posts might be instigated by people with commercial interests in security and paid caravan / camp sites.
Food for thought.

Monday, 29 January 2018

12v Issues? Help is at hand.

More and more people who camp or live permanently on the road, are taking advantage of greatly improved 12v and solar technology and a significant drop in pricing.

All the bits and pieces are readily available, self instillation requires only and intermediate degree of skill, but knowledge of how to spec components and assemble a suitable system is often a big stumbling block.

Most importantly there's the issue of safety.  Whilst 12v DC might not kill you as easily as 240v AC, it can very easily spark a fire.  As far as the hip pocket goes; I see countless batteries through the execution of bad practices.  Batteries costing hundreds of $'s that should last for years sometimes last as little as a matter of months as a result of mistreatment.

So, I'm offering a system design and problem solving service.

Message me with a basic spec regarding what you intend to do or a report pertaining to a problem.  In return I will send you a quote.  If you're happy, I will then put together a solution and the relevant schematic to suit your budget.  I offer very reasonable rates.